720-707-3577 CO       307-206-8711 WY       612-887-2871 MN 
Property Claims: Commercial, Industrial, School District & Municipal

About Us & Our WHY 

Bellator Claims Resolution

Bellator is Latin For "Warrior"

Our WHY:

Why do we fight this arduous battle against the Goliaths of the insurance world?  We believe that when consumers pay an insurance company to help them in a time of need that company should HELP not hinder.  We've seen so many cases where our clients are treated unfairly by the company they most expect to help them in their time of need.  

We believe in justice for the property owners that pay their monthly premiums, faithfully, for years.  When the time comes for these insurance companies that have BILLION dollar valuations and BILLION dollar profits, we believe those same companies should pay property claims fully, fairly, and quickly.  This doesn't always happen.  

We know there are really good insurance companies and we applaud them and rarely see their company letterhead come across our desk but then there are the few that make them all look so much worse.  These few unscrupulous insurance carriers are usually the reason we get hired.  They treat their own customers unfairly and put their company profits before the people they serve.  We just don't think that's right.  

We fight for the integrity of our clients because we know we're fighting the good fight and without us our clients would get crushed by these huge corporations who say they care on their TV commercials; but when it comes to do what's right they're often times doing what's wrong.   These companies make BILLIONS of dollars and then deny, underpay, and delay legitimate claims.  That's just not right.  

We fight for our clients, the property owners who NEED us.  

We have a moral obligation to do the right thing when these corporations take advantage of our clients who, ironically, are also their customers.  We tenaciously fight for what's right. 

That's WHY we do what we do.

Bellator is Latin for "Warrior".  We named our company Bellator Claims Resolution because nobody will go to battle for you like we do to negotiate your unresolved residential and commercial property claims.

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Areas Served
Fort Myers
Cape Coral
Port Charlotte
Kansas City
Oklahoma City
San Antonio
Previous results are no guarantee of future performance on your specific claim.
© 2020 - 2025 BellatorClaims.comNot all property owners will qualify.